
I am interested in the often uncomfortable interface of technology and nature in human lives. In these bodies of work, I have used glass, ceramic, and steel for their inherent qualities of beauty, strength, and fragility, and their history as keystone materials in human industrial processes.


Herbert Sanders Gallery, SJSU, November 2009

This narrative collection of bell jars with insects explores our cultural associations with insects, and our long history of observing their behavior as a way of understanding our own. I have found that insects are a poetic way to talk about human behavior and our relationship to both industry and nature.

Cells of Industry

BFA Show: Herbert Sanders Gallery, SJSU, April 2010

In consideration of both human and nature’s ingenuity, diatoms have greatly influenced the aesthetic and conceptual elements of my work. Their position as the first step in the food-chain of life on this planet, as well as their current role as potential gears in microscopic computers, have led me to reflect on the role of nature in our lives, and even how and why we view “nature” as something other than what we are and do.